Since my issues after the update, Weber sent a new controller. I have done 2 cooks. 1st was reverse searing some strips. Got to 225 as normal, no issues getting steaks up to 112-115. Grill seemed to have a hard time getting up to 600. It stalled out at 500 and started loosing temp. I let it do its thing and it got through it. Once up to 600, it maintained and finished the cook and shutdown without issue. 2nd cook was a small slab of spare ribs. I set temp to 225, it reached temp in normal time. I was letting it settle in and noticed the temp dropped to 155. I let it do it's thing and 5-10 minutes later it was back at 225. Smoked the ribs a couple hours and didn't have any issues. Not seeing a benefit from the latest firmware other than new notification. Wish they offered a list of specific changes when they did this.