Searwood Not Reaching Temp

After exhaustive back and forth with Weber they insist there is no issue. I believe this can be fixed with a firmware update. The grill cooks cold and doesn't meet setpoint on long sessions.
I have the same issues. I purchased my original Searwood 600 on June 15. I noticed when I smoked chicken wings they took a little longer than I had anticipated. Didn’t really think about it too much. On July 6th I smoked a 5.86lb pork shoulder. I set to 250°. Started at 6:30am and it didn’t finish until 10:30pm that night. I sent a case using the connect app and had heard a response for about a month. Meanwhile I went to my local Ace where I purchased. The manager contacted his Weber rep. Guy was awesome. We replaced the chamber probe and the controller. No dice…still saw a lot of fluctuations in temp. Weber rep contacted Ace and they replaced with another new Searwood 600. Same issues. I spoke to the Weber rep last week and he had mentioned my issue to the product manager for Searwood and they said that’s normal. They feel that it should average out between the low and high temps.
Today I smoked a 4.25lb Pork Shoulder. Started at 8:30am and pulled it off a few degrees short of 203° at 5:30pm. I started at 225°. Lowest temp was 196° and highest temp was 245°. I ultimately set the temp at 275° and saw fluctuations all over. I really wanna love this thing. I see a lot of YouTube video coming out on the XL 600. Weber rep says there is nothing different other than a pellet sensor and 12 more inches. I have a lot of videos with another Weber Connect Hub next to the onboard controller.

My testing: I raised the smaller grill grate up about 2" and placed the Weber connect Hub probe about a qtr of an inch away from the chamber probe.

Today’s cook: I placed the shoulder on the upper rack, thinking that heat rises. That didn’t make a difference. Great flavor!

I do agree that a firmware update could probably fix this.

I am on the fence of returning all together. As I said, I really want to love this grill.
I have the same issues. I purchased my original Searwood 600 on June 15. I noticed when I smoked chicken wings they took a little longer than I had anticipated. Didn’t really think about it too much. On July 6th I smoked a 5.86lb pork shoulder. I set to 250°. Started at 6:30am and it didn’t finish until 10:30pm that night. I sent a case using the connect app and had heard a response for about a month. Meanwhile I went to my local Ace where I purchased. The manager contacted his Weber rep. Guy was awesome. We replaced the chamber probe and the controller. No dice…still saw a lot of fluctuations in temp. Weber rep contacted Ace and they replaced with another new Searwood 600. Same issues. I spoke to the Weber rep last week and he had mentioned my issue to the product manager for Searwood and they said that’s normal. They feel that it should average out between the low and high temps.
Today I smoked a 4.25lb Pork Shoulder. Started at 8:30am and pulled it off a few degrees short of 203° at 5:30pm. I started at 225°. Lowest temp was 196° and highest temp was 245°. I ultimately set the temp at 275° and saw fluctuations all over. I really wanna love this thing. I see a lot of YouTube video coming out on the XL 600. Weber rep says there is nothing different other than a pellet sensor and 12 more inches. I have a lot of videos with another Weber Connect Hub next to the onboard controller.

My testing: I raised the smaller grill grate up about 2" and placed the Weber connect Hub probe about a qtr of an inch away from the chamber probe.

Today’s cook: I placed the shoulder on the upper rack, thinking that heat rises. That didn’t make a difference. Great flavor!

I do agree that a firmware update could probably fix this.

I am on the fence of returning all together. As I said, I really want to love this grill.
I expect there to be oscillating temperatures (your electric oven does the same thing). Your range on the last cook would be okay with me. I need to do some more cooking on mine, but it appears that it will settle in with the high point of the oscillation being lower than the set point after a couple hours of cooking. I have only done 3 cooks and one got impacted by a thunderstorm so I need to get more data points before coming to a firm conclusion.
My Searwood 600 runs at least 40-50 degrees colder than set. If I want 275 I set the temp to 330. And that is just to get an average. During a multi-hour cook I expect the temp to go over and under by 30-50 degrees with occasional swings of +/- 100 degrees. The temp display never shows anything but the set temperature and in my opinion is for entertainment value only.
Daverich4 I have the exact same issue. Bought my Searwood a few days ago and have been running temperature fluctuation tests the last few days and I see massive jumps. Example: set at 260, and saw a drop to 190 and then a jump to 315. Normal jumps are 30-40 degrees either side of the set temp....the whole time the display shows a steady temperature. Seriously considering returning it...and I haven't even cooked on it. Anyone else with this issue?
Daverich4 I have the exact same issue. Bought my Searwood a few days ago and have been running temperature fluctuation tests the last few days and I see massive jumps. Example: set at 260, and saw a drop to 190 and then a jump to 315. Normal jumps are 30-40 degrees either side of the set temp....the whole time the display shows a steady temperature. Seriously considering returning it...and I haven't even cooked on it. Anyone else with this issue?
My results are exactly the same as your’s. There is a very active Searwood 600 forum on Facebook and without exception, everyone on that forum who’s reported measuring the actual temperature has gotten the same results you have. My impression is that most of the members there ignore the fake temperature display and just adjust the grill to get the temperature they want.
..and I haven't even cooked on it. Anyone else with this issue?
I have cooked many times, and the "times" that a recipe says it should take it does...if not sooner (BUT, never cook below 250, the sweet spot, even if a recipe calls for 225). Start cooking. Lot's to learn.
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I finally got around to gathering the data behind what I have been saying here & on the Facebook group. I took a bunch of snapshots of my ThermoPro TP27 during cooks & this is what it showed. Fortunately, I am NOT seeing the huge temp swings many of you are reporting. Attached are the results of my tests & surprisingly, the upper rack is not hotter, it runs less than target.

For reference, after my brisket a few weeks ago, we reheated the leftovers the next day in our oven @ 225 deg. The oven is about 10 yrs old, but has always produced great food (due to my bride who is a FANTASTIC cook). Anyway, my oven temps were always up & down, sometimes by almost 50 deg., during the almost 2 hrs the brisket was in there. It turned out great. Whether it's supposed to do that or not, it still gave the desired result. In my opinion, getting all wound up about temps in your Searwood when you've never cooked anything with it or even if you have done a few cooks, is not giving you the full picture. As I understand it, the controller is a learning, rapid recovery PID. The more you cook on it, the better it gets.

I bought my XL at the beginning of April. The app version is & the firmware version is 2.3.27690.

A lot of different brands/flavors of pellets have been run through this grill w/o any issues (knock on wood). Generally speaking, I don't notice much difference between pellets.

Bear Mountain ($20 for 20#)
Smokey Woods ($7 for 20# when I bought the grill, but now are $21)
Costco (my favorite @ $13 for 40#)
Pit Boss ($17 for 20#)
B&B ($20 for 20#)
Lumberjack ($25 for 40#)

I've run this thing in all kinds of weather; as low as 46 deg, as high as 97 deg, in a storm with pouring rain & 40+ mph winds. Only issue I had was last week during a big storm & my power went out so I got an E10 error. After the power came back on, it did the shutdown process, then I started cooking again without issues.

I've only cleaned mine once since April & that was in July. Nothing has been modified on mine; no added gaskets, holes cut for ventilation, etc...mine is stock. I typically only use it on the weekends, but have cooked the following, that I can remember so far, all without issue:

2x Brisket; separate cooks
Too many racks of baby backs & spare ribs to count
Hundreds of chicken wings; separate cooks
Several rotisserie chickens; separate cooks
Several pork shoulders; separate cooks
Whole pork tenderloin
Bone-in pork chops
Boneless pork chops
Reverse seared New York Strip & filet mignon steaks
Country style ribs
Reverse seared Ribeye steaks
Pizza on a stone
Shotgun shells

For those having issues, here's some things to try, but only change ONE thing at a time, in no particular order, except updating the app & firmware, do that 1st:

1. update app & grill firmware to latest versions
2. inspect the pellets to ensure none are swollen due to moisture
3. try different pellets, use of charcoal pellets or any other non-standard pellet like pecan may produce wildly different results - any of the brands I listed above have burned without issue in my grill, try one of those
4. clean it, including the ambient temp sensor (I used some emory cloth on mine); this takes about 10-15 minutes max
5, ensure you have re-assembled it correctly after cleaning; IIRC, all of the parts can only be installed one way, but make sure you tightened down the wingnuts on the burnpot especially
6. remove any added gaskets or close up any extra ventilation holes drilled; basically any modifications you have done, put it back to stock
7. when providing info to the group, give as much accurate info as possible; help us help you

Anyway, guys & gals, I hope this helps. Good luck. xpost


  • Searwood XL temps.webp
    Searwood XL temps.webp
    48.7 KB · Views: 11
My 600XL ranges from -50 to -100 degrees cooler then what the display says.
While smoking, I can compensate and run the controller at 285 degrees to get my target 235.
However, if I want to ser anything, it does no better than my other smoker brand that only gets to 500 degrees.
I miss searing but love smoking so I felt the 600XL was the answer but too bad it is not.

I tried using the manual mode and when set on 10, it gets to 600 (according to the controller) and then dives below 500 (according to the controller) and never recovers past (controller) 500 degrees. This setting is also not suited to get to searing temps.

I have worked with Weber for 3 months now and Weber will not accept that there is an issue with the grill.
I asked for a replacement thermocoupler but was denied. They sent me pellets to use and it makes no difference even if I use white oak or hickory which burn really hot, true temp does not get about 475-500 degrees.

Dragging this out so long I am out of the return period :confused:

All I want is what I paid for, the grill to get to 600 degrees. Simple huh? Not when dealing with Weber!

I know this is my first post but Weber needs to fix the issue so I felt the need to post. The day I turned it on (back in May) it upgraded firmware once and no more. There has been a couple of app updates but that is not where the issue lies, it is in the firmware.

To say something good about the XL, it can smoke very well (once you adjust for the incorrect temp readings) and I feel is the . best smoker in the price range of $800-1500. It creates excellent smoke flavor and great smoke rings.

But I want to sear but it cannot!
My 600XL ranges from -50 to -100 degrees cooler then what the display says.
While smoking, I can compensate and run the controller at 285 degrees to get my target 235.
However, if I want to ser anything, it does no better than my other smoker brand that only gets to 500 degrees.
I miss searing but love smoking so I felt the 600XL was the answer but too bad it is not.

I tried using the manual mode and when set on 10, it gets to 600 (according to the controller) and then dives below 500 (according to the controller) and never recovers past (controller) 500 degrees. This setting is also not suited to get to searing temps.

I have worked with Weber for 3 months now and Weber will not accept that there is an issue with the grill.
I asked for a replacement thermocoupler but was denied. They sent me pellets to use and it makes no difference even if I use white oak or hickory which burn really hot, true temp does not get about 475-500 degrees.

Dragging this out so long I am out of the return period :confused:

All I want is what I paid for, the grill to get to 600 degrees. Simple huh? Not when dealing with Weber!

I know this is my first post but Weber needs to fix the issue so I felt the need to post. The day I turned it on (back in May) it upgraded firmware once and no more. There has been a couple of app updates but that is not where the issue lies, it is in the firmware.

To say something good about the XL, it can smoke very well (once you adjust for the incorrect temp readings) and I feel is the . best smoker in the price range of $800-1500. It creates excellent smoke flavor and great smoke rings.

But I want to sear but it cannot!
At least you’re in good company. I’ve been thinking on this for some time now, and I think the design is what we’re all fighting. There’s a reason so many pellet cooker manufacturers use a big heat shield, it traps a lot of heat and provides a large thermal mass for regulation. Weber’s designs do not, and I think that’s where the issue truly lies. Anyone that’s used a real fire to heat understands that adjustments aren’t instant, and when you’re dealing with pellets, augers, and fans, it’s sure not instant. I do like the design and think it lends to better cooking, but I don’t think we’ll ever see real stability out of the design. For what it’s worth, and all the temperature hassles, the food I’ve pulled off of mine has been top notch.
Smoking with the Searwod is great once temps are adjusted accordingly.
But Weber should drop Sear from the name and should have called it SmokeFire MKII
I took a chance on the unit and it is what it is, a smoker. I even tried the cast iron grate and let the grill heat for 60 minutes to make sure it was as hot as it could get. Still not a good sear. I think the problem is the manual mode which is supposed to feed the pot non stop at level 10 but as I said, at 600 degrees according to the controller, it stopped feeding and dropped to 500 degrees, never to recover and this was with the lid closed. I think the manual mode is for the real searing but it is defective.

I was surprised Weber did not want to try a new thermocoupler since they (depending on construction) could be inaccurate, they said nope, try new pellets, this is how the unit works nothing to see here or temp fluctuations cause this which is normal, etc.

My other pellet grill hits 235 degrees and is off by -5 degrees and that is not an issue but -20+ degrees at such a low temp is terrible. If I can get my hands on a new TC I will try it but right now, no parts for this unit are available.
I'm not sure what to tell you on that one, typically the complaint is just that it won't hold temps. I've had no trouble getting it hot, but it'll never get as hot as charcoal or a gas grill, just not how pellet cookers are designed. To get that kind of heat, you really need a larger, linear firepot like Yoder or Lonestar has; but without the large mass of the cooker to balance it out, it'd be impossible to keep a small unit like a Searwood down at smoking temps. What I'd like to get ahold of is a fireboard pellet controller to plug into a Searwood, just to see if it's truly a software issue or if it has to do with the missing heat damper I mentioned in my previous reply.
My 600XL ranges from -50 to -100 degrees cooler then what the display says.
While smoking, I can compensate and run the controller at 285 degrees to get my target 235.
However, if I want to ser anything, it does no better than my other smoker brand that only gets to 500 degrees.
I miss searing but love smoking so I felt the 600XL was the answer but too bad it is not.

I tried using the manual mode and when set on 10, it gets to 600 (according to the controller) and then dives below 500 (according to the controller) and never recovers past (controller) 500 degrees. This setting is also not suited to get to searing temps.

I have worked with Weber for 3 months now and Weber will not accept that there is an issue with the grill.
I asked for a replacement thermocoupler but was denied. They sent me pellets to use and it makes no difference even if I use white oak or hickory which burn really hot, true temp does not get about 475-500 degrees.

Dragging this out so long I am out of the return period :confused:

All I want is what I paid for, the grill to get to 600 degrees. Simple huh? Not when dealing with Weber!

I know this is my first post but Weber needs to fix the issue so I felt the need to post. The day I turned it on (back in May) it upgraded firmware once and no more. There has been a couple of app updates but that is not where the issue lies, it is in the firmware.

To say something good about the XL, it can smoke very well (once you adjust for the incorrect temp readings) and I feel is the . best smoker in the price range of $800-1500. It creates excellent smoke flavor and great smoke rings.

But I want to sear but it cannot!
I worked with a Weber customer service person via email & phone to resolve the temperature being radically different from the display. In my case I was offered any replacement parts I wanted but was told that the engineers told him the grill was designed that way, that the reported temperature was an average of the entire grill. I don’t care if the temperature in the back left corner is hotter than in the middle where my food is, just give me the actual temperature and I’ll decide where to put it. In general, my temperatures were 30-50 degrees cooler than the set temperature but the final straw was when I wanted to reverse sear a beef tenderloin. I set the temp to 310 which is about where I have to set it to get 275 but when I got the notice from the app that the grill had reached 310 the actual temp was 360. I returned the grill for a refund with two weeks left on the 100 day warranty. I want to be clear that Jesse in Weber Customer Service worked hard to resolve the problem, sent me Weber pellets to try, offered replacement parts, had me send graphs of the temperature's I recorded and so on. Can’t fix what they don’t think is broken. For those of you who don’t think your Searwood is behaving the same way, you don’t need a probe like I use to check it out, any cheap oven thermometer will show you what’s going on. I realize many people on this forum are really happy with their grills, the way it’s designed is just not for me.

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