Thanks for posting this idea, Do you feel this is a good working solution, Weber UK will sell me one new (£70

) but only place I can find one, so have to suck it up & pay it.
Did you find the flame with this method mainly went straight up the pipe from the diffuser, or at the higher temp, does some of the flame still come out the side of the diffuser, like it would on a high temp cook normally?
But if it works and stops the flame escaping up the back and heats the stone better, then I'm willing to pay it and give it ago, would a 3 or 3.5 inch hole be the best solution
If I did get one, would keep the new one for the Smokefire general use and cut a hole in the old one.
p.s. Did you get to measure the temp of the stone once it was heated up with this method?