Tater, You truly have caught me at a bad moment and I really need to vent and I am just as stubborn as you!
Not at you though. I am trying SOOOO hard to stick with my 2nd SmokeFIre EX6 (My first one was obviously replaced.)
- I was told the 2nd one would operate "as the engineers designed it to." It came with a REV F Auger assembly and the pellet slide "enhancement" was shipped to me before I got my replacement and I installed it. It got to 600 degrees TWICE and thats it...Let alone the issues I have had since then.
I just got to say maybe this whole COVID 19 thing has me irritated but I am considered an "essential worker" and I am in upper management in my City for a very large company that deals with essential goods. There is no sit at home for me. Everyday for over a month going to work for me is a 14+ hour day, a 7 day work week and an unbelievable workload. It is literally like going to war or preparing for a tropical hurricane to hit daily and even when I am done for the day/night, the emails, texts and phone calls are non stop. I am not complaining about that at ALL. I love my job and what I do and my ability to serve my people and the community and the state of Florida & Georgia. What I AM saying is that I did not have much free time BEFORE all of this and now I have NO TIME hardly for anything but work, work, work. Lately I feel like Weber is wasting and taking away what little time I have outside of work for a couple of reasons.
-Obviously the issues we all have with our grills working.....Like tonight....I had failures to ignite TWICE in a row with Weber pellets on a CLEANED OUT Grill! I have now been waiting for 1:15 hours to get to 600 degrees to cook $80 worth of steaks for my family and I am currently at 470 degrees AND the APP FROZE so I have to walk to my grill just to see the actual temp. Also, last night and the night before I had issues starting my grill a couple of ways. BUT....What is REALLY a waste of my time that does not have to be is my latest request to Weber for a replacement part......................................Here is my issues with this:
-With ALL of my issues that I had been having with ignition, getting to temp, staying at temp with my old SmokeFire I was surprised to see that over a VERY short time (like I said above....I have been more busy than usual.) that I have been experiencing more issues with my new SmokeFire. I recently (2 days ago)I posted that I wanted the new Auger welded chute because I was not having issues but I felt that a totally new engineered part was what I should have for my SmokeFire so I sent a simple email on my ticket from my original SmokeFire Issues. As of those 2 days ago, I am having the same problems as before or worse so now I really need the part BUT here is what I was told by Weber:
Thank you for reaching out to us.
In order to verify if your grill would require a new chute, I would need to ask you a few questions. Can you tell me exactly what issues have you been having?
Have you received any error codes during the failed attempts?
What Firmware and Software version is currently installed on the grill?
Can you tell me approximately how many times have you been cooking on the grill?
What type of pellets are you using and are they evenly distributed in the hopper?
Can you empty the hopper and send a clear photo of the auger gasket, viewed from the hopper?
Can you also send a photo of the burn pot?
Sophie M
Weber Consumer Care Team
Weber-Stephen Products LLC
To me that is TOTALLY BS. I do not have time to trouble shoot if I need the part or not. It is a brand new redesigned part to fix know problem(s) with your grill so you should send it to EVERYONE and NOBODY should have to jump through hoops to prove their problems! I did not have the time before and I definitely do not have the time now. I do not have the Luxury of sitting on my butt and having nothing but time on my hands to ask others to do things for me to make my job easier.