I am a very experienced cook and have owned a number of kettles, but I am having a lot of trouble with slow cooking on my new Kamado. The coals only want to burn in one small section by the front of the grill. Would appreciate any help I can get—fire goes out at 225 degrees.
Sorry to hear about the trouble with your grill! I noticed your post is from last October.
Are you still having trouble with Low & Slow cooking?
If so, how are you starting the coals?
Are you using a chimney starter? If so, how long are you letting the coals burn before you pour them onto the charcoal grate?
Is your charcoal a brand that you've had good results with before? Have you tried more than one bag?
How are you arranging the coals?
Are you using any baskets or other charcoal management devices (SNS, etc.)?
How do you have the dampers on the bowl set?
Are you using the heat deflector included with the grill?
Is the bowl and ash catcher clean and free of ashes/debris before you begin your cooking session?
How do you have the lid damper set?
How long are you letting the grill warm up before you put your food on?